Excerpt: Until very recently, the popular perceptions in Indonesia have conveniently considered environmental degradation as one of the unavoidable expenses of economic growth and development. Many policy makers, as well as members of the business community, share this perspective and have created ambiguous structural measures to tackle environmental problems. These piecemeal and unsatisfactory solutions have raised concerns among a number of scholars and NGO activists; they have called for more effort to explore the richness of Indonesian “local wisdom” on environmental protection, which can serve as a secondary approach to settle environmental problems. Strong pressure for development, however, has often compromised such wisdom. Given this situation, there is thus a growing need to over new perspectives on how to holistically approach the environmental problems in Indonesia.
Recommended Citation
Widyatmoko, Bondan
"Kafil Yamin. Hidup Sehari Penuh: Menjalani Hubungan Etis dengan Alam [Living a Full Day: Engaging Ethical Relationships With Nature]. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Press, 2013. 248 pp.,"
Social Transformations Journal of the Global South: Vol. 2:
2, Article 7.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13185/2799-015X.1058
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Home > Journals > SOCIALTRANSFORMATIONS > Vol. 2 (2014) > Iss. 2
Kafil Yamin. Hidup Sehari Penuh: Menjalani Hubungan Etis dengan Alam [Living a Full Day: Engaging Ethical Relationships With Nature]. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Press, 2013. 248 pp.
Bondan Widyatmoko, Guest Scholar, CSEAS, Kyoto UniversityFollow
Excerpt: Until very recently, the popular perceptions in Indonesia have conveniently considered environmental degradation as one of the unavoidable expenses of economic growth and development. Many policy makers, as well as members of the business community, share this perspective and have created ambiguous structural measures to tackle environmental problems. These piecemeal and unsatisfactory solutions have raised concerns among a number of scholars and NGO activists; they have called for more effort to explore the richness of Indonesian “local wisdom” on environmental protection, which can serve as a secondary approach to settle environmental problems. Strong pressure for development, however, has often compromised such wisdom. Given this situation, there is thus a growing need to over new perspectives on how to holistically approach the environmental problems in Indonesia.
Recommended Citation
Widyatmoko, Bondan (2014) "Kafil Yamin. Hidup Sehari Penuh: Menjalani Hubungan Etis dengan Alam [Living a Full Day: Engaging Ethical Relationships With Nature]. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Press, 2013. 248 pp.," Social Transformations Journal of the Global South: Vol. 2: Iss. 2, Article 7.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13185/2799-015X.1058
Available at: https://archium.ateneo.edu/socialtransformations/vol2/iss2/7
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