"Introduction to the Forum Kritika on Ethical Literary Criticism, Brain" by Biwu Shang and Maria Luisa Torres Reyes
Kritika Kultura


This special section of Kritika Kultura is the second of two parts on “Ethical Literary Criticism, Brain Text, and New Readings of World Literature”; the first part appeared in Kritika Kultura no. 37, 2021. This part follows up from the first in offering diversified perspectives on brain text and ethical literary criticism, ranging from theoretical exploration to critical practice, from traumatic theory to moral philosophy, and from fiction to drama. Despite their respective emphases on relevant ethical issues, all papers collected in this forum attempt to do new readings of literary texts and unpack the ethical implications constituting their subtexts. It is our hope that the forum will open up avenues for further discussion of ethics and literature in the future.
