MobileLookNet: A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Detection of Osseous Metastasis Using Feature Fusion and Attention Strategies

Irish Danielle Morales, Ateneo de Manila University
Carlo Joseph Echon, Ateneo de Manila University
Angelico Ruiz Teaño, Ateneo de Manila University
Raphael Alampay, Ateneo de Manila University
Patricia Angela Abu, Ateneo de Manila University


This study introduces MobileLookNet, a novel lightweight architecture designed for detecting osseous metastasis in bone scintigrams on resource-constrained devices. By employing depthwise separable convolutions in parallel, utilizing inverted residuals, and integrating low-level and high-level features, MobileLookNet captures diverse levels of abstraction and extracts more individually expressive features. It outperforms traditional bone scintigraphy methods and state-of-the-art networks in metastasis detection while requiring significantly fewer floating-point operations (FLOPs) and parameters. Ablation studies reveal that feature fusion yields superior results compared to transformer-based attention strategies, highlighting the informative nature of low-level features in metastasis detection. Moreover, MobileLookNet demonstrates a trade-off between high accuracy, low FLOPs, and low parameters, where at most two can be achieved at a time. Overall, MobileLookNet shows promise in assisting nuclear medicine practitioners and enhancing metastasis detection in resource-constrained settings.