Asia Pacific Mission Studies (APMS) is an electronic open-access online journal. Responding to the increasing role of electronic media, APMS succeeds its predecessor, East Asian Pastoral Review (EAPR), which ended its publication in 2016 in printed form. Like EAPR, APMS is the publication of the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), run by the Society of Jesus within the campus of Ateneo de Manila University. EAPI specializes in pastoral renewal and leadership programs for pastoral agents and missionaries of the Asia-Pacific region. In line with the thrust of EAPI, APMS aims to promote knowledge and research related to the mission of the Church, in a way that bridges theology and ministry in the Asia-Pacific context, and facilitates informed praxis and effective witnessing by the Church. Although the journal is not a peer-reviewed publication, it endeavors to maintain a high level of theological and pastoral standards.
Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1 (2024)
Editorial Note
Editorial notes
Ruben L.F. Habito
Shaping a Culture of Encounter in a Fragmented World: Culture, Politics, and the Promise of Interreligious Dialogue
Leo D. Lefebure
Towards a Mosim Christology: A Korean Response
Hwang Kyung-Hoon
Body and Prayer: Comparing Taoist and Christian Methods of Meditation
Paulin Batairwa Kubuya SX
Understanding and Accessing North Korean Religion
Byun Jin Heung